How did handsome jack face
How did handsome jack face

how did handsome jack face

Being able to hold his own against Hunters and Huntresses like Jaune, Nora, and Ren and even managing to overpower his own most trusted subordinate Winter Schnee before she acquired her Maiden powers.īoomstick: And of course, when you’re leading one of the militarized kingdoms on Remnant, ya gotta be packing heat! And that’s where his personalized weapon…or, weapons, I guess, come into play! Wiz: Regardless, Ironwood himself has been shown to be quite the combatant.

how did handsome jack face

Causing Ironwood’s paranoia to fire up once again, becoming now an enemy to the heroes, even going so far as to shoot a young Oscar Pine down the vault where the Relic of Creation was held.īoomstick: Jeez, and I thought my outbursts were unprofessional.

how did handsome jack face

While initially Ironwood welcomed them with open arms and things seemed to be going alright, with Ironwood working together with both Robyn and Team RWBY, it was revealed that Salem was knocking on their doorstep. Wiz: And all that came to a head when Team RWBY and Team JNR crossed the border into Atlas territory. Not to mention things weren’t exactly, uh…all too great at home either. He started getting more and more paranoid, believing the other kingdoms might declare war, effectively locking Atlas off from the rest of the world with embargos and border closings. Being tasked with keeping the secret of the Maidens and the all-powerful Relic out of the clutches of Salem.īoomstick: Buuuuuut things kinda changed for ol’ Irondick when Beacon went kablooey. Wiz: Ironwood started off as an ally to the heroes of Remnant, being part of Ozpin’s “inner circle” and one of his trusted friends. Enter James Ironwood, general and overall leader of the country of Atlas. Sometimes ironing your own heart to do so.īoomstick: Like some kinda…iron man, would you say? And above all else, you have to be able to make the tough decisions that others won’t. You have to be able to show your own strength, be able to fight in the battles you command. You have to be intelligent, able to take command and responsibility for everyone under your lead. Wiz: It takes a lot to be a commanding officer. Wiz: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills, to find out who would win…a Death Battle. Wiz: James Ironwood, the hardened general of Atlas.īoomstick: And Handsome Jack, the corporate dictator of Pandora. Constant temptations, the question of if you are right or wrong to begin with, and numerous challenges along the way.īoomstick: But some people step away from that heroic path, whether they realize it or not. Wiz: Walking the path of a hero is not always an easy one. Which of these so-called heroes will end up being on the right side of history in this bloody battle? Interlude Borderlands! Two fallen heroes who still believe they are doing what is right for the world.

How did handsome jack face